Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of this blog?
    This blog was created to promote local places of interest and activities in Trinidad and Tobago.

2. Why did you start blogging in the first place?
    This blog was created as a school assignment for my MBA.

3. Do you plan to continue blogging after the assignment is completed?
    Yes... I quite enjoyed this assignment and I do intend to continue blogging.

4. Did you actually visit all the places reviewed?
    Yes, I visited each and every place reviewed.

5. Do you really recommend these places and activities or were these recommendation based on the
    requirements of your assignment?
    The author specifically chose these place and activities because they are spectacular and  she
    personally recommends them.

6. Are the places and activities on this blog worth visiting?
    Most definitely.

7. Would you re-visit these places?
     I will certainly re-visit most of these places.

8. Can you recommend other places to visit and thing to do in T&T?
    Of course I will... I even do reviews of places and activities requested by viewers and  

9. Can I contact you for more information of these places and activities?
    Moat definitely... You can contact e-mail, my e-mail address can be found on the page.

10. Why should I subscribe to this blog?
      To be alerted when new posts are published.


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